Wednesday, December 8, 2010

charles manson and macbeth

Manson didn't have much involvment in the movie, actually directly not at all. But years before the movie was made Manson killed his pregnant wife Sharon Tate and some friends. Tate did not know know Manson very well before. He had come to there rented house before looking for the tennant who lived there before. She told him she had moved to Malibu. On August 9 he sent a few of the followers of his cult to kill everyone in the house. Tate was stabbed 16 times. Polanski was not at the house at the time of the murders in 1969 and felt responsible. He fell into very deep depression. Macbeth was the first movie he directed after his wife's death. It is known as a very bloody and violent movie.People think he purposely made it this way becouse of his wife's death. Charles Manson may have made the movie better or worse by killing Polanski's wife. If it wasn't so bloody and violent it may not have been such a successful movie.

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