Thursday, January 20, 2011

2 awesome things

sleep- Sleep is always a good thing. Even at any point in the day not just at night. The most refreching thing in the world is a nap. Even if you are not tired, if you take a nap you will feel alot better then what you did before the nap. Also sleeping in is good. If you have a good night sleep the rest of your day will be good.

Bacon- It is one of the best foods of all time. You can have it for every meal of the day. If I had my last meal I would want it to be bacon. You can have it cooked in many different ways and in many types of food. Crispy is the best way to have it cooked by far bot any way is good. Even the worst foods in the world can be improved if bacon was added to the meal.

Creative hour

It is amazing to think that a parent would want to sell there own child. No one would pay 10000 dollars for a child off of the internet. First of all my first thought would be that it is a scam. You pay the money and get nothing in return. Another thing Is that I would think that something is wrong with the baby and it will die soon so it would be pointless to buy. Also if you are willing to pay that much for a baby then there is some thing wrong. The only way Someone should spend that kind of money is if they had just won the lottery and you were very happy and wanted to spend money randomly. As well there are the parents. Thay are obviously not good parent's for the child,and there is something wrong with them. As well if you really wanted to sell a baby sell it for a decent price. I would say between ten and twenty dollars. ten thousand wont get you anything. Plus its already expensive to take care of a baby. There are many different thing that you will have to buy. I can somewhat see where the parents are coming from if they don't have alot of money. They can't afford the baby and they need the extra money. But again you will never even gat a bid for that price.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

charles manson and macbeth

Manson didn't have much involvment in the movie, actually directly not at all. But years before the movie was made Manson killed his pregnant wife Sharon Tate and some friends. Tate did not know know Manson very well before. He had come to there rented house before looking for the tennant who lived there before. She told him she had moved to Malibu. On August 9 he sent a few of the followers of his cult to kill everyone in the house. Tate was stabbed 16 times. Polanski was not at the house at the time of the murders in 1969 and felt responsible. He fell into very deep depression. Macbeth was the first movie he directed after his wife's death. It is known as a very bloody and violent movie.People think he purposely made it this way becouse of his wife's death. Charles Manson may have made the movie better or worse by killing Polanski's wife. If it wasn't so bloody and violent it may not have been such a successful movie.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Journal # 1 Lord of the Flies

A quote I thought was significant was when Jack continually said "We need meat". I thought this meant that Jack was consumed with killing. All he could ever talk about was hunting even though he failed to kill any animal. After he finally killed an animal he wouldn't stop bragging. I think this annoyed Ralph to the point he wanted to kill Jack. This book deals allot with Morales. All of these different people had to live on an island together. Everybody has to work together in unison or there may be trouble. Jack for some reason resents Piggy and this creates tension for everyone on the island. Another way you know that Jack was consumed with killing is when he stops tending the fire to hunt. He ruined there chance of being saved.

Friday, November 5, 2010

assasination of John F Kennedy

On November 22 1963 president John Kennedy was assasinated in Dallas Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald. If I where there it would have been different. I go back in time and the head of security for the event. down the street that he is driving on I would have security in every building and on the roof's. During the event there would be extra security on and around the ground's of the square. I would be close to him at all time's. I would also be looking around at all time's to make sure every thing is alright. Since I'm so attentive I would notice the suspicious behavior of one man and go and talk to him. If he was still acting suspicious after that I would have another guard go and remove him from the premices.

top 3 NHL agitator's

There have been many agitator's over the year's. My test of who the top three are will be judged by me and what I have seen. Number 1 Sean Avery, number 2 Claude Lemiux and number 3 matthew Barnaby.

Some would say that Barnaby is the biggest agitator of all time. One of the most momorable moment's was after he scored a goal started talking to a fan in the front row behind the net. As well he has had many memorable quotes over his career.

Claude Lemiux was a good player but will be remembered mostly for starting one of the biggest rivalries in hockey. In game 7 of the westen conferance final between Colarado and Detroit Lemiux, then a player for the Avalanche hit Detroit's Kris Draper from behind into the board's.

Lat but not least Sean Avery. From talking on his cell phone during practice to hitting Boston Bruins goalie Tim Thomas in the back of the head with his stick, he's done it all. The thing I will most remember him for his unique screening of Devils goalie Martin Brodeur. He turned fully away from the play to face Brodeur and wave the hockey stick in his face. After the playoff series ended Brodeur refused to shake Avery's hand.

how to assasinate Kim Jong il- instructional

First you would somehow enter the country of south Korea. When you find get in you would have to get to Seol, the capital.When you are there you have to find his vehicle. When he goes out to make a public appearance,if he doesn't have a large precession you could just hit his car with your truck. But he will most likely have a large precession so you would have to shoot down all of the car's around him then you can hit his car with your truck. That is how to assasinate Kim Jong il.