Friday, November 5, 2010

top 3 NHL agitator's

There have been many agitator's over the year's. My test of who the top three are will be judged by me and what I have seen. Number 1 Sean Avery, number 2 Claude Lemiux and number 3 matthew Barnaby.

Some would say that Barnaby is the biggest agitator of all time. One of the most momorable moment's was after he scored a goal started talking to a fan in the front row behind the net. As well he has had many memorable quotes over his career.

Claude Lemiux was a good player but will be remembered mostly for starting one of the biggest rivalries in hockey. In game 7 of the westen conferance final between Colarado and Detroit Lemiux, then a player for the Avalanche hit Detroit's Kris Draper from behind into the board's.

Lat but not least Sean Avery. From talking on his cell phone during practice to hitting Boston Bruins goalie Tim Thomas in the back of the head with his stick, he's done it all. The thing I will most remember him for his unique screening of Devils goalie Martin Brodeur. He turned fully away from the play to face Brodeur and wave the hockey stick in his face. After the playoff series ended Brodeur refused to shake Avery's hand.

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